Efektifitas Arang Tempurung Kelapa dalam Menurunkan Kadar Logam Perak dan Kromium pada Limbah Laboratorium
Charcoal coconut shell, waste, Heavy Meta, Ag, CrAbstract
Laboratorium waste is one of the causes that can contaminate the environment. Heavy metal that can contaminate the environment such as silver metal (Ag) and Cromium metal should be removed.The purpose
for this research is for remove silver metal (Ag) and Crom metal from the laboratorium waste.Method that
use in this reasearch is completely randomized factorial.The result of this analysis is show that charcoal
coconut shell is very effective to reduce silver metal (Ag) 85,49 %; 89,27 %; 93,01 %; 96;71 % and Crom
metal (Cr) 13,81 %; 24,73 %; 31,92 %; 38,60 % at the addition of Charcoal coconut shell 0,5 g;1,5 g; 2,5
g; 3,5 g in laboratorium waste.Result of varian analysis show thatconfidence level F count > F table at
the 95 % and 99 % , it means that addition of charcoal coconut shell give the significant result for removal
of silver metal and Crom meta